In Italy, the Codice Fiscale is used for everything. You’ll need this for your permesso di soggiorno application, you’ll need it to rent an apartment, sometimes you’ll even need it for random appointments! It is essentially the equivalent to a social security number in the USA, but needed for many more tasks.
Table of Contents
Applying for the Codice Fiscale Abroad
First, I highly recommend trying to obtain your Codice Fiscale before moving to Italy. Given the amount of tasks you need to use it for, it is easier to have it on-hand sooner than later. Fortunately, applying is quite straightforward and can be done via email.
A link to the forms, along with instructions on how to fill them out, is HERE.
Next, send an email request with the subject titled “Richiesta Codice Fiscale (YOUR NAME)” to your local Italian Consulate’s email address.
In the body of the email, you can write:
Buongiorno, Sono (YOUR NAME), nati il (DATE OF BIRTH DD/MM/YYYY) negli (YOUR COUNTRY). Vi scrivo per richiedere il mio codice fiscale, allego il modello compilato, e la copia del mio documento. Grazie mille!
Note: Make sure in the email you attach the AA4/8 Codice Fiscale request form, a copy of your passport photo/information page, and a copy of your Italian visa.
Receiving the Codice Fiscale Abroad
Within a few weeks, you should receive your Codice Fiscale via an email response and an attachment. The document attachment will look like this. Print and keep several copies on hand.

Note: There are many documents required during your moving to Italy process. I recommend keeping a large file to maintain all your documents in one place and to bring that to any appointments.
Applying for the Codice Fiscale in Italy
If you need to apply for the Codice Fiscale in Italy you will head to your nearest Revenue Agency HERE.
At your appointment you will bring your filled out AA4/8 form along with your passport.
Confirm the Codice Fiscale is Valid
Once you’ve been assigned a Codice Fiscale, double-check online that the code is valid and working. Go to the Agenzia Entrate website HERE and enter the code, the security code (if required), and click “invia.”
If the response shows: “Codice Fiscale Valido” then you are all set!
If the response shows: “Codice Fiscale Non Valido” your code is not valid. First, double-check you entered the code correctly. If you still receive a message, you should reach out to the Revenue Agency.
NOTE: Once you complete your permesso di soggiorno application, your Codice Fiscale may slightly change, so be sure to note that.
In summary, being an immigrant or an expat in a foreign country can be daunting – it certainly was for me! Mix in the language barrier, new processes, and bureaucracy in general…it can be a bit of a nightmare. I wrote some additional how-to guides documenting the processes to hopefully make it easier for you!
Check out my other guides below:
- How to Apply for Your Permesso di Soggiorno in Italy
- How to Get a Carta d’Identità (ID Card) in Italy
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